
Daisy Lynum accused of spending $14K for mailers on last day in office

ORLANDO, Fla. — Just before she left office, Orlando Commissioner Daisy Lynum spent $14,000 in tax money on a booklet that touts her achievements, Channel 9 has learned.

That 18-page mailer comes as the city is considering cuts and property tax increases to balance the budget.

While it's the city's money, officials claim no responsibility for spending the thousands of dollars on a mailer, according to WFTV's Lori Brown, money that could have went toward filling 119 potholes.

"I think that's pretty high," said Parramore homeowner Nathaniel Scarbourgh.

The mailers went out to 2,500 constituents during Lynum's last day in office.

Scarbourgh did not get a flier as it appears they went out only to those living in wealthier neighborhoods with a history of high voter turnout, Brown said.

"If you're going to send it, (it) should have been to everyone in your district," said Coronet Scarbourgh.

Lynum took her mailer to a business in Longwood to be printed rather than using one in her own district, Brown said.

"Why shouldn't the jobs be coming to this neighborhood, her district?" asked Doug Head of County Watch.

Head also questions why the city paid a public relations firm to create the flyers.

"The city has a highly budgeted communications department that could be doing this work in a neutral fashion for the commissioners," he said.

The money came out of Lynum's discretionary account, Brown said, the same fund she used to spend $20,000 for airfare and hotels to places like Equatorial, Guinea.

City commissioners will decide on a property tax increase in September.

Lynum was unavailable for comment Wednesday.