
St. Cloud's Asphalt Removal Project

The Community Redevelopment Agency (CRA) Meeting Sept. 4 at 6 pm City Hall Council Chambers.

The City Manager will have a presentation/proposal to the CRA Board tomorrow evening for two reasons:

  1. To update the CRA Board on the Asphalt Removal Project – When first discussed, the board was advised that this project could present challenges because the bricks were not exposed and staff did not know the condition of the bricks. The Board was also advised that this would be an ongoing project (no deadline was given). Crews continue to work on spot repairs.
  2. To present two options in continuing this project that is approaching its approved budget:

Option 1: Approve the use of $200,000 from CRA funds* to extend the approved budget of $423,000. This will allow crews to finish working on and smoothing out all three exposed-brick streets (PA, MA, NY)

Option 2: Remove some of the bricks from PA and MA avenues for future use as necessary and pave these two streets. New York Avenue and 11th Street will remain as brick streets where the brick is now exposed.

Staff is working on gathering information for tomorrow night and the City Manager believes it would be inappropriate for him or City staff to discuss this matter prior to tomorrow night.

*This project is funded through CRA funds. CRA funds come from a program called Tax Increment Financing (TIF). When the Community Redevelopment Area was established, the existing taxes collected within the Community Redevelopment Area became what are referred to as the Base Year Taxes. Money collected from increases in tax revenue that exceed the Base Year Taxes (the increment) in the Community Redevelopment Area is placed in a fund that is used to enhance/improve the Community Redevelopment Area. This is a common funding method for Community Redevelopment Areas throughout Florida and the country.