
Man invents quick, easy way to sanitize shopping carts amid coronavirus pandemic

TAMPA — A Florida man noticed a garbage can full of cart wipes at his local grocery store and thought there must be a better way to make sure a grocery cart is clean, sanitized against COVID-19, but at the same time not generating extra trash.

Enter “The Arch Cart Sanitizer” developed by Adam Labadie, WFTS reported.

He says 20 million carts are touched at least 200 times a day, WFLA reported.

Labadie’s device sanitizes a cart within seconds using an organic solution made of ingredients that have been approved by both the Environmental Protection Agency and the Food and Drug Administration.

He is working on getting free demonstrations to grocery stores in the Northeast and the South within weeks with the devices showing up in stores by November or December, WFTS reported.

Labadie was laid off when the pandemic started and has spent 15 hours a day in his garage or on the computer working to develop the device, WFTS reported.