
Anti-bullying event to be held in memory of Rebecca Sedwick

POLK COUNTY, Fla. — Family, friends and supporters will gather for an event meant to keep the memory of a Polk County girl alive, who investigators said was bullied so badly she committed suicide.

Sunday's event is being held to benefit the Rebecca Sedwick Stand Against Bullying campaign.

In September 12-year-old Sedwick jumped to her death from a tower at an abandnoed cement plant after being bullied repeatedly at school and online, according to investigators.

Polk County Sheriff Grady Judd is expected to speak at the event, along with Jaylen Arnold, a Lakeland girl who runs an anti-bullying foundation called Jaylen's Challenge.

Sedwick's mom, Tricia Norman, will also be there. Norman is currently fighting to criminalize bullying in Florida and has filed a lawsuit against the parents of Sedwick's two accused bullies.

The charges against them have been dropped.

Organizers said the event is free and there will be several raffles and activites. The event begins at 1 p.m. at American Legion Post 4 located at 1375 Ariana Street in Lakeland.