
Orange County Schools says bus driver involved in chaos with parents did what he was supposed to do

When an Orange County school bus stopped short of its normal drop-off spot Wednesday, parents surrounded the vehicle and some started removing children, including some who were not their own, through the windows.
Orange County Schools said the driver of the bus did what he was supposed to do by trying to keep students in and parents out.
The driver had pulled the bus over after a student onboard was injured, district officials said.
The driver called his supervisor, who told him to call emergency medical services, wait for them to arrive and not let anyone on or off the bus, officials said.
The bus had pulled over within sight of the gated condo community where it normally stops, so parents approached the vehicle.
When the driver wouldn’t let them onboard, things spiraled out of control, according to video of the incident.
Once the parents had pulled the students out through the emergency exit windows, they stormed the bus to chew out the driver.
Orange County Public Schools defended the driver, saying they were still investigating the incident, but that it appeared he did exactly what he was supposed to do.
The district sent the following statement: "
“The safety of our children is a top priority in OCPS. Procedures are in place for that purpose on school campuses and on our buses. Our bus operators are provided a handbook that outlines student safety procedures. We also depend on the support of parents to keep students calm as staff work to maintain a safe and orderly environment. In this incident, it appears the driver made every effort to follow outlined procedures and follow the direction of his supervisor.”
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