
Seminole County homeowner dumps sewage in front yard hole

SEMINOLE COUNTY, Fla. — A front yard on Triplet Court in Casselberry looks more like a trench than a manicured lawn.

“It is human waste. It is human waste from now 12 people,” neighbor Cindy Raper.

Raper rents apartments in the home.

People said when their neighbor’s septic system failed, the homeowner just dug a pit in the front yard to dump the sewage.

“It rhymes with pit and it’s another name for dookie, I can’t say it on television,” said Raper. “But that’s what we live with on an hourly basis here.

Another neighbor told Eyewitness News it's not the smell that bothers them, but flies that may be attracted to the smell.

City of Casselberry leaders told Eyewitness News it is a broken septic system, and the homeowners have been cited as a public nuisance.

The owner's daughter told Eyewitness News, they've tried to fix it and have been in contact with health officials, but claims Raper is the one interfering.

"We don't fix nothing until she leaves, cause she doesn't let us do what we have to do,” said the daughter.

Casselberry’s Code Enforcement Board has the issue on the agenda for Thursday to try to get a special magistrate involved to force them to fix the problem.

The health department has also been notified and plans to inspect Thursday morning.

Contact Jeff Deal for more on this story.