
Val Demings elected to Congress

FLORIDA — Former Orlando Police Chief Val Demings has won the 10th Congressional District seat, the Associated Press  has reported.

The district was redrawn and now includes parts of Orange County that runs north to Apopka, west through Disney World, south to Orlando International Airport and East to parts of Parramore and downtown Orlando. The area also includes Lake and Polk Counties. Incumbent Dan Webster didn’t seek re-election.

Demings, a Democrat was facing Thuy Lowe.

Demings said in a statement:

"I am so humbled and grateful that the people of Central Florida chose me to represent them in Washington," said Congresswoman-elect Val Demings. "As the daughter of a maid and a janitor, my parents taught me the importance of hard work and believing in myself. Without those values I wouldn't be standing here today. I have made it my priority to protect and serve this community for the past three decades, and I look forward to continuing that work in Washington. We are living in critical times. After this tumultuous election season we need leaders  in Washington who are going to bring people together not divide them, and that's what I plan to do."

Demings will be sworn in as a member of the 115th Congress on January 3.