Kids' Sports Injuries: Concussion Consequence

FLORIDA — CONCUSSION SIGNS AND SYMPTOMS: It is important for parents and coaches to be able to recognize when a student or child has had a concussion so that they receive the appropriate medical attention and are not put at risk for another concussion. The most common signs of a concussion are as follows and can be used to estimate the severity of the concussion.

  1. Loss of consciousness (it is possible to have a concussion without having lost consciousness).
  2. Post traumatic memory loss (how long this continues after the injury is also important).
  3. Headache, dizziness, confusion, and a lack of concentration  (Source:

SPORTS STATISTICS: Although football is responsible for its fair share of concussions, many people overlook the danger of receiving a concussion in other contact (and non-contact) sports. A McGill University study found that more than 60% of college level soccer players reported symptoms of a concussion in only a single season. Severe head trauma also accounts for 15% of all skiing and snowboarding injuries and some people continue to refuse to wear a helmet. Cheerleading, boxing, rugby, horse riding, and cycling are other sports where the participants are at risk of a head injury. Football continues to be in the top two for head injuries with 46,948 players having to go to the emergency room in 2009. The number one sport with the most head injuries: cycling. With a staggering 85,389 people having to go to the emergency room for a head injury, it beats football by a significant margin. (Source:

HOW TO HELP: If someone has a concussion, these suggestions will help with a quick recovery:

  • Avoid activities such as contact or recreational sports.
  • Avoid sustained computer and video game use at the early stages of the recovery process.
  • Return to your normal activities gradually rather than all at once.
