Deputies: Man held camera phone beneath girls' skirts at OBT Best Buy

ORANGE COUNTY, Fla. — Orange County deputies said a man was using his cellphone to capture images of young girls inside a Best Buy store on Orange Blossom Trail across from the Florida Mall, and they want to find out who he is.

Deputies said the man was preying on children and holding his phone directly beneath the victims' skirts.

Authorities said he acted like he was looking at merchandise by crouching down, but store security footage captured him in action.

Employees tracked him around the store with their cameras.

This family said they could hardly believe the video we showed them.

"These girls had skirts that they were wearing or a small dress, and they were under 10 years of age," said Capt. Angelo Nieves with Orange County Sheriff's Office. "He's someone who appears to be very well versed in what he's doing, so what else is he doing out there on the street that we're unaware of."

Security confronted the man, and one employee even chased him through the parking lot.

The young girls were unaware of what was happening.

The store is popular with tourists, and the Sheriff's Office was unable to locate the victims, but said there is a good chance there are other victims.

"He's someone who appears to be very well versed in what he's doing, so what else is he doing out there on the street that we're unaware of?" Nieves said.

Officers said they believe he lives locally.