Man accused of posting threats to kill on Facebook while at OIA

ORLANDO, Fla. — The Transportation Security Administration said it received a phone message saying James Honaker, 26, was at the Orlando International Airport looking for a flight to Virginia, where he planned to kill people.

The caller reported Honaker was posting threatening messages on Facebook, writing that he was sitting in the food court near the "fish tank."

One message read, "Before Thanksgiving of 2012, I'll burn that (expletive) place to the ground and everyone in it! I'll knock on your (expletive) door and blow your head off! I can get a rifle and pistol from someone. I wonder how much gasoline I can buy with around $400."

When FBI agents showed up at the airport, they found Honaker exactly where he said he'd be.

Honaker was escorted to the Orlando police office in the airport, where they said he admitted to posting the Facebook messages.

Police said he told them he didn't really plan on buying a gun, but would buy $400 in gas to burn someone's house down.

According to investigators, Honaker was upset that he wasn't able to contact a girlfriend overseas and felt the two people he was threatening in Virginia were interfering in their relationship.

Prosecutors said Honaker is a danger to the community and a flight risk. He remains locked up in the Seminole County Jail without bail.