Mayor Dyer gives annual budget address

ORLANDO, Fla. — Orlando Mayor Buddy Dyer gave his annual budget address Monday morning.

Dyer said the city is facing a $12 million budget shortfall for next year, but he's not recommending raising property taxes to make up for it.

Dyer said although the local, state and national economy is bouncing back, the city budget is more complicated.

He said the economic picture has improved since the recession, but the city is still trying to cover the costs.

"Because out expenses are rising, we are going to have to fight this structural imbalance every year," said Dyer.

However, the city is proposing no tax increase for at least a year, and the millage rate will stay the same for property owners.

"So our focus this year is not going to be returning to where we were. Rather, our focus is on maintaining the service levels we have, and putting us in the best possible position to fight this fight in the years ahead," said Dyer.

On Sept. 16, there will be a public hearing on the budget, and is expected to be approved on Sept. 23.