New coupon app partners with Valpak, offers great deals

ORLANDO, Fla. — New technology by Roximity and a partnership with coupon giant Valpak are offering a talking option that saves.

Danny Newman created the software and the phone app, which tells a user about coupon options for whatever category they might be looking for on the road.

"It comes back with the closest deals in your category," said Newman.

"We really start to get to know you over time based on that," said Newman.

The phone app currently works with Ford and Lincoln cars and syncs with the car, turning the mobile app into a hands-free, voice-activated system.

The partnership with Valpak offers the user discounts at the locations that include anything from 20 percent off to buy one get one free.

Once a user gets to their location, they can simply unplug their phone and redeem the couple.

The technology is available in five million cars but Newman was very secretive about the other auto makers who may be coming on board.

One of the businesses involved in the coupon app, Valpak, is owned by Cox Media Group, which is also the parent company of WFTV.