New details uncovered in man's alleged plot to rape child, kill family in Longwood home

LONGWOOD, Fla. — Eyewitness News uncovered more evidence against the man who allegedly pretended to be a movie producer so he could massacre an entire family.

The new discovery includes evidence photos, audio recordings and message transcripts between Shawn Thomas and the confidential informant who helped put the 30-year-old behind bars.

Investigators said Thomas wanted to rape young girls and murder their families. They said he might have been able to carry it out had it not been for a Volusia County man who tipped investigators off.

"What other plans did he talk to you about?" Florida Department of Law Enforcement investigators asked the informant.

"(He) talked about, um, coming up with an idea of luring a child to like a vacant house, pretending to be like a photographer," the man said.

The recording was part of new records Channel 9 uncovered, which included a fake talent agency contract for a company called Innovative Talent Agency, which Thomas was allegedly using to find unsuspecting families.

"He had come up with a plan of taking out the parents and then..." said the informant.

"What are  you talking about? What are you talking about taking them out?" asked the agent.

"Killing them," said the informant.

"Killing the parents," asked the agent.

"Yes," said the informant.

New documents included an email that a potential victim sent Thomas, which read, "We would like verification on this location for the Indy film tonight!"  "Drove by a vacant house???  Is this correct...?"

Agents said the family then spotted plastic lining the floors inside the house, so they took off before Thomas could kill them.

"I asked him once in passing, 'Are you, are you still doing that?' And he said, he was like, 'Yeah,' and he kind of went into a ramble about that he was still doing it and all these different types of fantasies talking about how to get away with it and stuff like that," said the informant.