Reality Check: Ad shows Crist debating self as Democrat, Republican

ORLANDO, Fla. — The Republican Party of Florida released a new ad that shows Charlie Crist flip-flopping on major issues.

Channel 9's Vanessa Welch reviewed the ad with WFTV political analyst Rick Foglesong, who said it's very effective.

The digital ad is being shared across social media and shows Crist answering questions about major issues when he was a Republican and when he was a Democrat, and his answers vary greatly.

The ad is the beginning of an effort on the part of Republicans and Gov. Rick Scott to say Crist is someone who will say anything to get elected.

Foglesong gives the ad an A for effectiveness. He said Republicans will continue to use the strategy as it get closer to Novemember.

"We will see more efforts on the part of Scott to paint Crist as a skilled debater but someone who is slippery and not always truthful," said Foglesong.

While he thinks the ad is effective, Foglesong isn't convinced true blue Democrats will be concerned about Crist flip-flopping on major issues.

Last week, Scott agreed to three debates with the winner of the Democratic primary.