Osceola County School Board approves second semester plans, learning options

OSCEOLA COUNTY, Fla. — The Osceola County School Board approved the Superintendent’s plan Tuesday for the second semester of school after students return from winter break on January 4.

The plan includes three learning options for parents and students.

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The three options are for face -to-face learning at schools with safety measures in place, digital learning following a traditional school day schedule, and virtual learning, allowing for instruction during non-traditional hours.

Parents who need to change their child’s learning option need to visit the district’s website to select one of the three options by December 9.

If the student is continuing with the same learning option from the first semester, no action is necessary.

Parents who choose face-to-face learning whose kids are eligible for transportation, but did not ride the bus during the first semester, will also register the child for a school bus seat when they make their learning selection.

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The school district says their second semester plan was created with input from medical professionals, guidance from the county health department, and a back-to-school Task Force made up of parents, teachers and school administrators, as well as members of the teachers union.