South Daytona Police and Firefighters "ticket" students on first day of school

SOUTH DAYTONA, Fla. — More than 150 students heading to the first day of classes at South Daytona Elementary School today were “ticketed” by City police officers, but there were only smiling faces when children were presented with a coupon for a free Slurpee® from 7-Eleven, Inc., and a new pencil.

Officer Anthony Labombard said the first day of school is a great opportunity to build relationships between law enforcement and young people. The coupons, donated by 7-Eleven, are part of the corporation’s Operation Chill, designed to encourage “good behavior” by children and to support law enforcement community relations.

“This is a great way to build relationships with the children in our community,” LaBombard said. “Kids love Slurpee drinks and officers like the opportunity to approach children in a positive, non-authoritative role to reward good behavior.

South Daytona firefighter Ty Epling, dressed in full gear, greeted students and posed for photographs to the delight of many children.