Toyota of Orlando shares driving tips for rainy weather!

How can you prep your Orlando Toyota for rainy weather? 

  • One of the most important things when it's raining out is to have good visibility. Your new Toyota's wipers should be in good condition; if you turn them on and they just smear water around, you need a new set. Our Toyota Service Center in Orlando can help you replace them affordably. Also get your defogger checked! 
  • Make sure you've gotten your brake service take care of, too. You need to be able to stop suddenly sometimes when you take your new Toyota on rainy roads, and you want full braking power behind you to ensure you can do so safely and efficiently. If you're unsure as to whether or not they're in good condition, have our Toyota Service Center take a peek!
  • Check your tires! Having good traction is essential in bad weather, so make sure you have enough tread on your new Toyota's tires and that they're properly aligned and rotated, as well as fully inflated according to your owner's manual! 

Know how to handle your new Toyota in the rain! 

  • Take things slow – don't speed, and you can even drive under the speed limit if the need calls for it. Be sure to take turns slowly so you don't spin out, and try not to slam on the accelerator to avoid losing control. 
  • Leave enough braking distance for your vehicle– remember, the roads are slippery so you may want to leave extra space and NEVER slam on your brakes, as you may cause a collision. 
  • Do not use cruise control when it's raining outside – you need to be in full control of your ride! 
  • Don't cruise through puddles, either! You never know how deep they actually are, and you could be doing damage to your car's electrical system without even realizing it.