Lake County man accused of paying teenage girls for sex

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LAKE COUNTY, Fla. — A Lake County man was arrested Wednesday after investigators said he paid teenage girls for sex.

A 15-year-old victim told detectives that she and Vincent Thomas, 27, dated on and off for a year and that he recorded and took pictures of the two having sex.

She said Thomas gave her drugs, including cocaine and acid, at his Groveland home.

Another teenager told investigators that after she had been interviewed by the Department of Children and Families, a piece of cardboard was set on fire at her front door and a note saying "snitch (expletives)" was left on a vehicle in her driveway.

She told investigators that she was not a victim, but she knew that Thomas liked “younger white females” and that he would give them drugs and alcohol and pay them for sex, according to a report.

The girl said Thomas sent her messages on Facebook saying that he was going to attempt to make contact with all the girls on “the list,” referring to a Department of Children and Families human trafficking list of names.

Alicia Radi, 14, lives down the street and said Thomas had approached her before.

"He was always creeping up on me and my friends, saying, like, 'Hey, what are you guys up to?' you know?" she said.

Her sister, Kenzie Radi, recalled a strange interaction with Thomas.

"He said, 'How old are you?' I said, 'Eight,'" she said. "Back then, I was eight. And he said, 'What grad?' and I said, 'Second.'

"It was weird."

The sisters said they were not among Thomas' alleged victims, but investigators said there were others.

“During the investigation, we also received information that he may have been involved with up to 10 other victims ages ranging from 13 to 15,” said Sgt. Jim Vachon of the Lake County Sheriff’s Office.

When investigators searched Thomas’ home, they found evidence supporting the initial victim’s story, including the videos and drugs, detectives said.

“I mean, I would see girls go over there, but I thought it was like, his daughter,” said neighbor Brandy Will.

Thomas was arrested Wednesday on charges that include lewd or lascivious battery, drug possession and several child pornography charges.

Investigators said they have 10 more possible victims to interview and that Thomas may face more charges.

Alicia Radi said she was always concerned about him.

“He was just always asking us a whole bunch of questions, and always watching us when we wold go outside,” she said.