Suspect surrenders after barricading himself inside home in The Villages
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Suspect surrenders after barricading himself inside home in The Villages After a standoff that lasted over 20 hours, the man barricaded inside a home in The Villages has surrendered. (Geovany Dias/WFTV)
The Villages Standoff in The Villages (WFTV)
Suspect surrenders after barricading himself inside home in The Villages After a standoff that lasted over 20 hours, the man barricaded inside a home in The Villages has surrendered. (Geovany Dias)
Suspect surrenders after barricading himself inside home in The Villages After a standoff that lasted over 20 hours, the man barricaded inside a home in The Villages has surrendered. (Geovany Dias/Geovany Dias)
Suspect surrenders after barricading himself inside home in The Villages After a standoff that lasted over 20 hours, the man barricaded inside a home in The Villages has surrendered. (Geovany Dias/Geovany Dias)