
Meet Alice Horn, advocate for families of children with autism and Citrus Bowl coin-flipper

ORLANDO, Fla. — With its theme parks and access to beaches, Central Florida is a place many families want to visit.

But for families of children with autism, there can be major issues in planning that dream vacation.

That’s where Alice Horn and VillaKey come into play.

The company, of which Horn is CEO, works with families who have children with autism to ensure they have a great vacation. It has about 70 vacation homes in Orlando.

VillaKey makes sure its rooms have no sharp corners or furniture, they have locks and alarms on windows and doors, and make special accommodations to deal with noise and bright lights.

“We really believe that all types of families should be able to travel and make vacation memories,” Horn told Channel 9. “For families with autism, it can be intimidating to stay in a hotel. If you have a child with sensory issues, you’re worried about what might happen if the child has a meltdown.”

It’s a cause that Vrbo -- originally known as Vacation Rentals by Owners -- can get behind. The sponsor of Wednesday’s Citrus Bowl chose Horn to flip the coin.

“It’s incredibly exciting,” she said beforehand. “My plan for the coin toss is just to throw it up in the air and see what happens.”

Alabama won the coin toss, and eventually the game.

Read: Jeudy, Jones lead Tide past Michigan in Citrus Bowl, 35-16

As for which team Horn was rooting for? “I’m completely neutral," she said.

VillaKey also provides education to families before they arrive on what it might be like to fly in a plane, and what it will be like to arrive in a vacation rental.