
Shooter was fixated on George Zimmerman, police report says

ORLANDO, Fla. — According to the police report, a man charged with shooting at George Zimmerman last week had "a fixation" on the former neighborhood watch leader.
The report made public Tuesday also said 36-year-old Matthew Apperson had recently been admitted to a mental institution and had shown signs of paranoia, anxiety and bipolar disorder.
Apperson's attorney, Mark NeJame, didn't immediately respond to an email seeking comment. NeJame claimed last week his client fired the gun in self-defense.

Raw: Apperson's first appearance | Apperson bonds out of jail

PDF: Apperson's arrest report (Warning: Graphic language)

Raw: 911 call | Shooting scene, vehicle towed

PDF: Zimmerman shooting police report

Photos: Zimmerman wounded in shooting

The report said Zimmerman told officers he had been driving in Lake Mary when Apperson got behind his truck and yelled, "You remember me, you (expletive)?"

Apperson then said, “You owe me your life. The only reason I didn’t press charges on you is because I wanted to kill you myself.”

Apperson and Zimmerman had an altercation in September, but Apperson declined to press charges.

Zimmerman said he called Apperson a clown, and Apperson fired a gun at his car a short time later. The bullet flew close to Zimmerman’s head, shattering a window and sending shards of glass all over him.

Police said Zimmerman flagged down an officer to report the shooting, and while that was happening, Apperson called 911.

According to the police report, two handguns – a .40-caliber and a .357 revolver – were recovered from Apperson's vehicle.

An expended .357 shell was found in the vehicle.

Police also recovered a gun from Zimmerman.

Apperson is charged with aggravated assault.

A judge set a $35,000 bond for Apperson and ordered him to turn in any guns to the Seminole County Sheriff’s Office, and to have no contact with Zimmerman.

"I don't care whether you've been shopping at Publix for two hours and have a full cart of groceries or whatever. You see Mr. Zimmerman walking through that door, you're the one that has to leave," the judge said.

Zimmerman was acquitted of any crime two years ago for fatality shooting unarmed teen Trayvon Martin.

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