
Shocking video: Couple unknowingly drives 14 miles with drunk man sleeping on trunk

MEMPHIS, Tenn. — As a couple was leaving downtown Memphis Thursday night, a man climbed onto the trunk of their vehicle and passed out. The couple had no idea until they were stopped by a police officer, and it's still a mystery how the man managed to stay on as they drove down the interstate.

Pictures showed the man passed out on the car, and now video shows the incident in action.

WATCH: Car driving down the interstate with man passed out on truck

(Video courtesy of Hillary Kett)

The trunk was only about 14 inches wide. The man curled up on the back of the car and passed out.

The driver, Carl Webb, and his wife were leaving the World Championship Barbecue Cooking Contest Thursday night. Webb told FOX13 it was dark out and the sunshade was stuck up, so he couldn't see what was on his trunk.

"There's no way to describe it. It's unbelievable," Webb said.

Webb had driven 14 miles with the uninvited and unaware passenger sleeping on his trunk. He had no knowledge of the “guest” until a police officer stopped them.

“The officer came up and he said, ‘Mr. are you aware there's a body on your trunk?’, and that did not register. He goes, ‘Mr. I'm not messing with you. There's a body on your trunk.’ So I got out. We walked around and sure enough there he was still hanging on, still unconscious, just lying there,” Webb explained.

The officer had to wake the guy up.

Webb said the man was so drunk that he started to stumble into traffic and the officer grabbed him.

The man was put in the cruiser, but police did not release his identity or say if any charges were filed.

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