
What activity is riskiest during age of coronavirus? Health experts weigh in

We know staying home has been the main way to stay safe during the coronavirus pandemic, but which activities are safe and which are the riskiest? Can you still run to the store, have a barbecue or attend a celebration?

Doctors with the Texas Medical Association have developed a chart that ranks the risks involved in various outings.

The lowest risk according to the medical professionals is opening the mail.

The highest risk -- going to a bar.

The group said the rankings were compiled by experts from the Texas Medical Association’s COVID-19 Task Force and the group’s Committee on Infectious Diseases, with the assumption that people who are participating are wearing a mask.

Fourteen doctors were on the committee that made the list, KTVT reported.

It was developed to help put the information that was available into one easy-to-understand presentation, KEYE reported.

“People will have to decide what risk they think is reasonable for themselves and their families to take in order to live life,” Dr. Erica Swegler, a member of the taskforce, told KEYE.

While the chart may be handy to gauge risk, the medical association said the best thing to do is, “stay home if possible, wear a mask and maintain at least 6 feet of distance when they have to go out, and practice safe hand hygiene,” KXAN reported.

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