
Resumen completo, coronavirus viernes 20 marzo: 563 casos de coronavirus en la Florida y 11 personas han muerto por el virus


7:30 p.m.

Autoridades del condado Marion confirmaron el primer caso de coronavirus en este condado

Una residente de 59 años está aislada, dijeron los oficiales. No creen que esta persona haya viajado internacional. Vea la conferencia de prensa (en inglés) aquí:

Marion County Emergency Operations Center - Update *Note* We understand the conditions for the Facebook Live audio we’re not ideal so we are including the talking points here for your convenience. Thank you all for checking in and working to be aware. ————————————————————— Chairman Kathy Bryant, Marion County Board of County Commissioners Good evening Marion County, I’m Chairman Kathy Bryant and on behalf of the Marion County Board of County Commissioners, and in maintaining our commitment to keep Marion County residents informed, I am joined tonight by Mark Lander, Florida Department of Health Marion County Administrator and Preston Bowling to update you on the very latest as it relates to the COVID-19 virus. The Florida Department of Health Marion County was informed by the CDC, Marion County has it’s first positive COVID-19 case. In a few moments, I will turn it over to Mark Lander and Preston Bowlin who will give you more specific details about this case and what is being done to address the needs of this patient and their loved ones. In the meantime, this positive case should not sound alarms or incite panic. We all need to remain collected and continue to carry out the orders handed down to us by our state and national level leadership who have given us remarkable direction on how to protect our families and prevent the spread of this virus. As this and any future reports of positive cases come in, we hope it does nothing except serve as a reminder that we need to diligently continue doing what we have been doing over the past few weeks. Wash your hands – we cannot stress this enough. Stay home if you are ill or if you’ve been exposed to someone at risk. Practice social distancing. And, continue to make responsible choices as it relates to going out in public and gathering with others. I think most of us anticipated this day, knowing our time would come – and it has. But, we are in this together. We will overcome today’s turn of events and whatever events lie ahead. Marion County is a family and each of our residents have a responsibility to take care of this community and each other. Let’s be mindful about our behaviors, the information we are sharing online and how we treat one another in this time of confusion and crisis. Tonight, we pray for this individual and their family, as well as our first responders, health care providers, law enforcement agents and every elected person who is having to make hard, yet responsible, decisions for this country. Your Commissioners have promised complete transparency through this event and, in keeping our promise to you, we, alongside our Marion County teams, are working around the clock to keep you informed with reliable, accurate information. Please continue to follow us on Facebook @MarionCountyFlorida where information about closures, hours of operations, executive orders and COVID-19 by the Numbers are shared multiple times throughout the day, 7 days a week. It has been said, “Where there is unity, there is always victory.” This is our moment to be united. To be in prayer for those suffering. To be compassionate towards those struggling. To help calm those who are afraid. Let’s stay united, Marion County, as we always have in the face of adversity. We are and will continue to be Marion County Strong. ————————————————————- Mark Lander, Department of Health We have our first confirmed positive case today of COVID-19 in Marion County. - The case involves a 59-year-old female county resident. The Department of Health is now working with the affected person for our contact investigation and working to identify and notify individuals who will need to self-monitor for symptoms for a 14-day period. Contact investigations are a critical way that staff epidemiologists track and prevent the spread of disease. As we see our first confirmed case of COVID-19 here, it’s important that we continue to focus on prevention measures that help stop the spread of the virus in our community. Frequently wash your hands. Make sure you cover your coughs and sneezes. Avoid others when you are sick. Practice social distancing. The measures all help prevent the spread of the virus in our community. We anticipate that we will continue to see cases of COVID-19 appear in our community. However, if we work together using mitigation practices, we can reduce COVID-19’s impact in our community. ————————————————————- Preston Bowlin, MC Emergency Management Director The Marion County Sheriff’s Office Division of Emergency Management has been diligently working over the last few weeks to ensure that our community partners and health care providers in Marion County have been continuing to prepare our response and mitigation for the COVID-19 event. We continue to work together to implement the current guidance and resource opportunities from the Center for Disease Control, the Florida Department of Health and the Florida Division of Emergency Management. This afternoon Governor Ron DeSantis issued two important executive orders. Executive Order #20-71 and Executive Order 20-72. Executive Order #20-71 is directing all restaurants and food establishments within the State of Florida to suspend on-premises food and alcohol consumption for customers. The listed establishments may, however, operate their kitchens for the purpose of providing delivery or take-out services. Additionally, the Executive Order requires the closures of gymnasiums and fitness centers within the State of Florida. Executive Order 20-72 states that all hospitals, ambulatory surgical centers, office surgery centers, dental, orthodontic and endodontic offices, and other health care practitioners’ offices in the state of Florida are prohibited from providing any medically unnecessary, non-urgent or non-emergency procedure or surgery which, if delayed, does not place a patients immediate health, safety or wellbeing at risk, or will, if delayed, not contribute to the worsening of a serious or life-threatening medical condition. We continue to work on procuring resources for our health care provider as needed. Emergency Management health care providers and county officials are maintaining consistent situational awareness and information sharing to ensure Marion County is best prepared and ready to provide the services necessary for our citizens that may be impacted by this virus. Our office is continuing to monitor and respond to this evolving situation and stand ready to support all of our community partners.

Posted by Marion County, Florida on Friday, March 20, 2020

FOTOS: Vea como algunos trabajan desde la casa, estantes vacios en las tiendas y como otros pasan más tiempo en familia

7 p.m.

Otro oficial de la administración de seguridad de transporte, TSA por sus siglas en inglés, del Aeropuerto Internacional de Orlando ha dado positivo a una prueba de coronavirus

El último día que el oficial trabajó fue el 16 de marzo en el punto de chequeo en la zona este de 4 a.m. a 12:30 p.m.

Otros 2 oficiales de TSA, habían dado positivo. Uno había trabajado el 10 de marzo de 1 p.m. a 9:30 p.m. y el otro oficial trabajo el 11 de mazo desde el mediodía hasta las 8:30 p.m., explicó el TSA.

6:30 p.m.

Oficiales del condado de Osceola emitieron un toque de queda que comienza esta noche (y todas las noches) de 11 p.m. a 5 a.m.

6 p.m.

El departamento de Salud de la Florida reporta que ahora hay 563 casos de coronavirus en la Florida y 11 personas han muerto por el virus en este estado. La cifra el viernes por la mañana era de 520 cases y 10 fallecidos

Esta última cifra incluye un nuevo caso en el condado Orange, dos casos nuevos en el condado Seminole y 1 caso nuevo en el condado Volusia.

Casos nuevos por condado:

  • Orange: 23 (22 viernes por la mañana)
  • Seminole: 10 (8 viernes por la mañana)
  • Volusia: 10 (9 viernes por la mañana)

Sin cambios:

  • Osceola: 13
  • Brevard: 4
  • Lake: 3
  • Sumter: 2
  • Flagler: 0
  • Marion: 0

>>> MAPA INTERACTIVO: Casos de coronavirus en Florida <<<

5:15 p.m.

El Gobernador Ron DeSantis dijo en una rueda de prensa que 2 personas murieron por COVID-19 y otras 7 personas residentes del condado Broward en un ancinato están infectados con el virus. Las autoridades sospechan que el virus se infiltro al centro de ancianos por medio de un empleado.

El gobernador también dijo que pronto la ciudad de The Villages tendrá un sitio móvil para pruebas.

5 p.m.

El Gobernador Ron DeSantis dijo en una rueda de prensa que el departamento del Salud de la Florida tiene listos a mas de 700 enfermeras de colegios para responder ante la pandemia de COVID-19.

4:55 p.m.

El Gobernador Ron DeSantis dijo que espera ver un gran aumento en la cifra de desempleo esta semana por causa del coronavirus.

4:53 p.m.

El Gobernador Ron DeSantis dijo que le prohíbe a hospitales, central de cirugía ambulatorios, oficinas para cirugías, dentales, ortodoncia y otros centros que practiquen cirugias de hacer ningún tipo de operación cirúrgica que no sea medicamente necesaria, o urgente o de emergencia.

4:45 p.m.

El Gobernador Ron DeSantis comenzó la rueda de prensa desde Tallahassee, Florida.


4:20 p.m.

Una persona que se quedó en el Centro para desamparados de la coalición de Orlando el jueves por la noche da positivo tras una prueba del coronavirus.

También un doctor en el Centro Medico de St. Cloud dio positivo al COVID-19. El centro cerro y todos los pacientes han sido notificados.

3:07 p.m.

El alcalde Jerry Demings dijo que hay 22 cases de coronavirus en el condado Orange.

Demings emitió un toque de queda para el Condado Orange que comienza esta noche de viernes. Toque de queda para el condado Orange todas las noches de 11p.m. a 5 a.m. hasta nuevo aviso.

El alcalde de Orlando Buddy Dyer dijo que todas las oficinas y establecimientos de la ciudad están cerrados para el publico.

Ambos alcaldes les pidieron a las personas que se mantuvieran en distanciamiento social.


2:35 p.m.

El Gobernador Ron DeSantis emitió una orden ejecutiva el viernes que le prohíbe a todos los restaurantes de dar servicio (comida y alcohol) adentro a clientes.

Los restaurantes continúan sirviendo comida para llevar o a domicilio.

DeSantis también le ordeno a todos los gimnasios a cerrar.

2:15 p.m.

Oficiales del condado Seminole dicen que más información sobre lo que ocurre con el COVID-19 se puede encontrar aquí.

En una rueda de prensa oficiales del condado de Seminole recomendaron que las personas que tengan problemas respiratorios deben llamar a su medico primero.

Oficiales también explicaron que el 80 por ciento de los casos muestran síntomas leves. Se recomienda quedarse en casa para reducir que se riegue mas el virus.

2:00 p.m.

Oficiales del Condado Seminole comienzan una rueda de prensa


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