
Get the 411 on your car exhaust smoke from Toyota of Clermont!

Have you ever been sitting at a light or accelerate to pull out of a parking lot and notice a cloud of exhaust behind your ride? It can be a little unnerving, because car exhaust smoke can actually indicate a problem under the hood, which means you’re going to need Orlando Toyota service to remedy the problem. We’re here to help! We’re breaking down the four most common types of car exhaust smoke, what could be causing them, and which Toyota service you’re going to need at Toyota of Orlando to fix the issue! 

The color of your car’s exhaust smoke can help you diagnose the problem! 

The first type of car exhaust smoke is black smoke. This usually indicates that you have an issue with your fuel system! Our Orlando Toyota service techs will have to take a closer look to see exactly what the problem is, but it can be anything from a clogged fuel line to a broken fuel sensor. Black smoke can also make your fuel efficiency take a nose dive, so bring your car into our Toyota Service Center in Orlando as quickly as you can! 
The next type of car exhaust smoke to look for is blue smoke. This color smoke means you’re burning oil, so you need to make an Orlando Toyota service appointment as quickly as you possibly can! Oil is a very important component of your car, so you need to address the issue as soon as possible. Blue exhaust smoke means you have a leak, which means your engine is in danger of overheating. Contact the Toyota of Clermont service center today! 
A third type of car exhaust smoke to be on the lookout for is grey smoke! Unfortunately, the diagnosis for grey smoke can be a multitude of problems, so it’s best to bring your car into our Orlando Toyota Service center and have our techs take a peek under the hood. It can be transmission related, the start of an oil leak, and more, so don’t let it slide! 

Let our Orlando Toyota service techs get you back on the road, smoke-free! 

The last type of car exhaust smoke we’re going to discuss is white smoke. This doesn’t ALWAYS mean something is wrong – if the smoke is wispy and light, it could just be condensation burning off. However, if it comes out in a dense cloud, then you’re probably facing a problem with your coolant system, radiator, engine block, or head gasket.  Make sure you seek Orlando Toyota service, as this smoke indicates you’re about to face an overheating vehicle! 
Any type of smoke coming out of your tailpipe isn’t a good sign, so why wait for bigger (and more expensive issues) to crop up? Give our Toyota Service Center in Orlando a call today at (866) 454-1614. We’re open seven days a week with the longest service hours in Central Florida, so we’re ready and waiting for you! Come on down and see us and be sure to ask about our Toyota service coupons to save some big bucks!