
Marina Jurica

After digging myself out of a foot of snow and sub-zero temps, I have left Minneapolis for the sunshine state!  I have always had two passions in my life; weather & singing, and I am so excited to take a different turn in my forecasting career here in central Florida.

Most recently, I was at KMSP in Minneapolis, Minn., and had fun with severe weather all year round.  I loved getting to experience snowstorms, thundersnow, tornadoes, thunderstorms and a very eclectic mix of weather.

I also have worked in Ohio, Kentucky, West Virginia and California, experiencing some of the worst ice storms, flash flooding and severe weather for those areas.  Hopefully that doesn’t mean crazy weather follows me!

Bruin blood runs deep in my family as both my dad and I graduated from UCLA.  I studied Sociology with an emphasis in communications and also music.

After being close to the epicenter of the Northridge quake of ’94, my passion in geoscience and meteorology got a boost.  I went back to school and got my bachelors and masters degree in geosciences with an emphasis in meteorology from Mississippi State.  I also have my AMS Seal of Approval from the American Meteorological Society.

After forecasting for 12 years in many different climates and regions, I have fallen in love with the ever changing complexity of weather.

I have come to be known as the singing meteorologist.  I studied opera performance at UCLA and have the lead in over 30 musical theater productions over the years.  I love to sing with the local symphonies in my area and have performed the national anthem at numerous pro-sporting events across the nation.  \

In fact, I met my husband, who is a singing engineer, on the stage.  We are so excited to set down some roots and explore this new place we now call home!

We have a great 2 year old, John, who is in love with Shamu.  So if you see us at Sea World or surfing at Cocoa Beach, come over and say hi!

You can catch me on WFTV on weekend mornings from 5-9 a.m. and on WRDQ from 9-10 a.m. and then again on WFTV from 12-12:30 p.m.

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