Orange County

Religious liberty organization prepared to file lawsuit against Orange County for distancing, limiting guidelines at religious services

ORANGE COUNTY, Fla. — Orange County Mayor Jerry Demings could face legal action from a religious liberty organization for some of the social distancing guidelines and limits that have been applied to religious services.

The Liberty Counsel said it’s prepared to file a lawsuit if the county doesn’t get rid of the limit on the number of people at in-person religious services.

In the letter, the counsel said the mayor’s limit of 10 people for a church service is not something the mayor has the authority to enforce.

When Florida began its pandemic shutdown, Gov. Ron DeSantis decided early on that churches should be considered essential.

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Many churches have changed to virtual services only although the governor’s order did not require that and has forbid local governments from requiring it, which raised eyebrows when Mayor Demings most recent emergency order included a limit on attendance.

The counsel said churches were most concerned with this line in the order: “in-person, indoor religious services should be limited to no more than ten (10) persons.”

“That frankly is fear-mongering language intimidating people of faith to not go to places of worship,” said Mat Staver, the founder and chairman of Liberty Counsel. “I find that reprehensible.”

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Staver asked in the letter for language to be changed because it singles out religious services and not other businesses.

Orange County told Channel 9 it has received the letter and a county attorney is working on a response to it.

Steve Barrett

Steve Barrett,

Reporter Steve Barrett returned to WFTV in mid-2017 after 18 months in the Twin Cities, where he worked as Vice President of Communications for an Artificial Intelligence software firm aligned with IBM.