
Stonewall Jackson Middle School considers name change

Stonewall Jackson went down in history books as a hero and a general for the Confederacy in the Civil War.
But some families say his name on their school--Stonewall Jackson Middle School--symbolizes racism and white supremacy.
"It just really oppresses anyone who is...considered a minority, and it makes other people feel like they have more power over other people,” said Jocelyn Mejia, a sister of a student.
The school's principal wants parents and people who live in Orange County to chime in.
She posted a survey online asking if the name should be changed and why.
Mejia and her mother wanted to start a petition and are happy to hear about the survey.
“That gives us a chance for them to hear our voice and for them to hear our opinions,” she said.
Some think a name change isn’t necessary.
"I think they should leave it alone. It's part of our American history," said nearby resident Eddie Delyalle.
He said it’s important to learn from the past and move forward.
Delyalle thinks changing the name is going too far.
"You'd have to redo all of Washington. We could never go to Washington because everyone will be offended. Our history is imprinted on all the walls there,” said Delvalle.
After the survey, the fate of the school’s name will be up to the board.
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