
Video of hammerhead shark being used as ‘beer bong' prompts second FWC investigation, officials say

While the internet continues to fume over a video of a shark being dragged behind a speeding boat, a second video has surfaced of a man using a hammerhead shark as a beer bong.

The Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission said it is investigating both videos.

In the first video, a shark is seen being battered by the waves as people in the boat laugh.

The pilot of the boat has been identified as Florida resident Michael Wenzel.

Due to the massive reaction to the video, Wenzel has asked for extra patrols around his home, police said.

In the second video, which was posted online in January, a man pours beer into the gills of a hammerhead shark. The video is titled, “Who needs a beer bong.”

The hammerhead video was posted to a fishing Facebook page.

Eric Hovland, a shark expert and associate curator of the Florida Aquarium, said he was horrified by the videos.

“It’s tough to talk about it,” he said. “That makes it monstrous, pouring that liquid into that shark. That shark was probably far gone and probably on its way out already, just being pulled out of the water and being abused and handled that way.”

The FWC has not released the identities of any of the people in the two videos, citing “an open and active investigation.”

Florida Gov. Rick Scott issued a letter Friday to FWC Chairman Brian Yablonski condemning the actions in the video and urging that regulations and statutes be reviewed "to ensure such inhumane acts are strictly prohibited."

"While so many who enjoy Florida's incredible natural resources do so respectfully, some regrettably seek to irresponsibly and recklessly abuse them," Scott said in the letter. "This week, an incredibly disturbing video was reported by the media showing individuals senselessly dragging a shark behind their boat at high speed.

"The brutality and disrespect shown to this animal is sickening and I am sure that you share in my outrage over these individuals' heinous actions."

In response to Scott's letter, Yablonski issued the following statement:

"I, my fellow commissioners, and the men and women of the FWC, who are dedicated to conserving Florida’s precious natural resources for future generations, could not agree more with Gov. Scott’s powerful words.

"Each and every member of our agency is disgusted by the behavior shown in the video. FWC Division of Law Enforcement investigators are working diligently to come to a lawful resolution in this case.

"Florida is a sportsman’s destination and there is no place in Florida for these kinds of callous acts. We are eager to move forward with the governor's suggestion to review and strengthen regulations as necessary to help deter this type of behavior in the future.

"These individuals do not represent the sentiments and conscientious actions of millions of conservation-minded anglers around the world."

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