
Sky high kindness: Delta Air Lines attendant comforts woman during flight

After months of short tempers and travel meltdowns, a flight attendant’s act of kiness shows how a simple gesture can go a very long way.

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A photo of Floyd Dean-Shannon is flying across social media. It depicts him taking time to comfort a woman who was afraid to fly, according to our sister station WSOC. Dean-Shannon can be seen squeezed between seats, sitting in the aisle holding the woman’s hand.

Another passenger, Molly Simonson Lee, who took the picture, said she overheard Dean-Shannon telling the woman, “‘I got you,’” and “‘I’m gonna be there for you, just anything you need to let me know,’” WTVD reported.

The moment was captured during a flight departing Charlotte last Saturday. While en route to New York, the woman actually began crying, WTVD reported.

Lee said she was moved by his kindness.

“He just had this connection and warmth and calmness and she responded to that and the moment was just so beautiful,” Lee said, according to WSOC.

Dean-Shannon sat there, consoling the woman for about 10 minutes, WTVD reported.

“It really is a wonderful reminder that there are a lot of good people out there,” Lee told WSOC. She said she hopes Dean-Shannon’s bosses see the photo and give him a raise and promotion.

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