Toyota of Orlando

Should you buy a car with all-wheel drive capabilities?

driving in the rain

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Narrowing down vehicle choices can be challenging – there are SO many different makes and models out there. It’s important to come up with a list of features that you want on your next Orlando Toyota so you ensure you have the right ride for years to come. One of the features you’ll most likely consider is whether or not your car needs all-wheel drive.
More and more models are coming out with this option woven into their performance capabilities – even the newest Toyota Prius, for example, offers all-wheel drive capabilities. But what are the pros and cons of this unique feature and how do you know if you need it? Toyota of Orlando is here to help you figure it out.

What makes all-wheel drive a desirable feature?

First, let’s talk about the pros. All-wheel drive is exceptionally useful if you’re planning on taking things off the pavement, or if you’re going to be driving in snowy or icy conditions. Why? Basically, this drive system ensures that power is being directed to all four wheels. When you drive a front-wheel drive car – which is what most vehicles out on the road are – power is only being directed to the front two wheels, leaving the back wheels free to skid and lose traction. When power is sent to all four wheels, it’s easy to correct slides and skids and ensure that at least the other three wheels still have traction even if one loses it.

Do you need this feature on your next Orlando Toyota?

However, getting all-wheel drive on your next Orlando Toyota CAN push the cost up. This drive system is more complex, which means the car will cost more overall. Is it worth investing in? Here are some of the reasons you may want to pass on it:
  • It means more maintenance and repairs. Since it's a more complex system sending power to all four wheels, it's got more parts to maintain and repair on a regular basis.
  • It cuts down on fuel efficiency. Cars with all-wheel drive tend to be heavier, and that means the engine has to work harder to get them up and going. This means reduced fuel efficiency.
And front-wheel drive may be able to get the job done. Here in Orlando, for example, we never see snow. We may get a frost warning every once in a while, but we also don’t have to worry about ice on the roads. Front-wheel drive combined with features like traction control and anti-lock brake systems can usually give you all the control you need. If you’re headed up north into winter weather, you could simply opt for winter tires for improved handling in snow. And if you’re getting off-road, you should look into four-wheel drive. This drive system is actually better for tough terrain than all-wheel drive.
Still confused? Let our sales specialists help! They can break down your drive time needs to see if this feature is actually essential on your next car. Call Toyota of Orlando today at (407) 298-4500!