
5 Ways to Celebrate Valentine’s Day in a Pandemic

Valentine’s Day is this weekend and while you might miss buzzing restaurants & packed concert venues, that kind of date just won’t work this year, due to COVID-19. That does not mean you shouldn’t celebrate with your loved one though! Here are five ways you can safely make February 14th a memorable one.

1. Plan a romantic dinner for two

Spend some quality time in the kitchen and cook your favorite meal. Maybe one of you makes the main dish and the other makes the dessert. Not a chef? Take-out works too!

2. Learn something new together

Want to learn how to make some yummy cocktails? Maybe learn how to write poetry? Valentine’s Day is the perfect excuse to learn something new together. Virtual classes are everywhere!

3. Try a virtual wine tasting

Due to COVID-19, a lot of local wineries are offering virtual wine tasting classes. Pick up some wine to-go and enjoy!

4. Take a virtual tour of a country you’d love to visit

Never thought of doing this, have you? Many countries have virtual tours available if you search online. For example, check out the Highlands of Iceland! Extra points if you try to cook a meal that matches the country you are virtually visiting!

5. Make your own movie theatre or drive-in

Grab your favorite candy, pop some popcorn, melt an entire stick of butter and pour it on your popcorn... ok you get the point! There isn’t a more romantic activity than curling up with your loved one and watching a movie together. Really want to get the movie theatre atmosphere? Purchase a projector and you’ll be living large!