
More aftershocks expected following 7.7 magnitude earthquake between Cuba, Jamaica

A strong earthquake reported Tuesday afternoon in the Caribbean Sea between Cuba and Jamaica could result in additional aftershocks in the region.

The earthquake was reported around 2:10 p.m. between the North America plate and the Caribbean plate. The fault is what’s called a “left-lateral” strike slip fault, meaning the plates slide along each other.

“This area is likely to see additional aftershocks over the next several days and weeks to come,” Channel 9′s certified meteorologist Tom Terry said.

Strong shaking was reported in Jamaica, and weaker shaking was reported all the way up into Central Florida.

“Though aftershocks tend to be much weaker than the main quake, we have already seen a 6.1-magnitude aftershock nearly as strong as the 6.4-magnitude earthquake that hit south of Puerto Rico on Jan. 7,” Terry said.

Read: Puerto Rico earthquake: 6.4 magnitude quake rocks U.S. territory, at least 1 killed

Tuesday’s earthquake and the recent Puerto Rico earthquake are near the same plate boundary, “so they’re not unrelated,” Channel 9 certified meteorologist George Waldenberger said.

The earthquake is a “once-every-60-to-100-year event,” Waldenberger said.

If you feel any shaking that may be related to an earthquake, call Channel 9 at 407-841-9000 or email us at webdesk@wftv.com.

See certified chief meteorologist Tom Terry describe the earthquake below:

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