
Channel 9's Greg Warmoth speaks with former FBI Director James Comey

ORLANDO, Fla. — Channel 9's WFTV Greg Warmoth was the only anchor in the state of Florida who interviewed former FBI Director James Comey.

Comey has been vocal about his experiences with President Donald Trump since he sat down for an interview with ABC's George Stephanopoulos about his new book, "A Higher Loyalty: Truth, Lies and Leadership."

"I hope that people will read it. I think a lot of those folks from both wings of our partisan politics have not read the book. I hope folks will read it and find it useful. It's not about Donald Trump. It's not about Hillary Clinton. It's about trying to show what leadership should be, including through the example of some things I've done that I'm not proud of," Comey said.

During an eight-minute interview, Warmoth asked Comey about Trump, Hillary Clinton, the White House, the Pulse nightclub terror attack and the school shooting in Parkland, Florida.

Last month, Noor Salman was found not guilty of obstruction and aiding and abetting her husband, Omar Mateen, in the nightclub shooting.The jury foreman said the jury thought Salman helped Mateen, but they couldn't get over what they said was a botched job by the FBI during the interview and confession process when Salman was not recorded or videotaped.

"I don't know enough to react. I saw those news accounts, but I was no longer director when the case was brought, so I don't know any more about it than what I see in the newspaper. So I really can't say," Comey said.

Warmoth also asked Comey's reaction when the president tweeted that Comey should be arrested.

"You know, my initial reaction honestly, is a bit of 'oh there he goes again,' but then I stop myself, because in my shrug, there's a danger, because I bet a lot of people shrug at that and that means we're becoming numb to something that is not OK to something that is not normal," Comey said.

Warmoth asked for Comey if Trump should be impeached.

"I don't know the answer to that. That's a question driven by our Constitution and the law and the facts. I don't know what facts the special prosecutor will find and where that will lead, but it should be done according to the law and the facts," Comey said.

Watch our full interview with Comey below:

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