Orange County

Pet shelters overcrowd as rising prices force families to surrender their pets

ORANGE COUNTY, Fla. — Orange County Animal Services said rising rent prices are leading to an influx of animals in their shelters.

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The higher costs affect renters, and now it seems to be trickling down to four-legged friends.


It’s normal to see dogs in cages at the facility, but due to overcrowding, they are being forced to put two dogs per cage.

Photos: Pet shelters overcrowd as rising prices force families to surrender their pets

Officials said they are caring for around 170 dogs, with more coming in every day.

The biggest reason people are surrendering their pets is financial.

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Rising rent prices are forcing people to move into smaller homes and sometimes lose the ability to keep their pets.

The latest information Channel 9 has from Zillow says the typical rent in Orange County is around $1,999. That is 23.7% higher than a year ago.

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More information on how to help with the surge of pets at Orange County Animal Services can be found here.

See more in the video above.

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