
Seminole County, schools sued over lightning strike death

SEMINOLE COUNTY, Fla. — The husband of a woman killed by a lightning strike in 2022 has sued the Seminole County School District and the board of county commissioners, blaming them for the lack of a safe place to shelter during storms.


Nicole Tedesco died in August of that year while picking up her daughter from Keeth Elementary School. A surprise storm blew in, and a bolt hit the tree she and her daughter, 10, were sheltering under.

In the filing, the husband claimed there was nowhere else for the family to hide from the storm, as they weren’t allowed inside the building.

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“The negligent condition… had existed for a sufficient length of time so that Defendant… should have known about it,” Andrew Tedesco’s attorney, Robert Horst, wrote. “At all times…. [the defendant] was responsible for providing a safe environment for its invited patrons and guests.”

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The lawsuit asks for at least $50,000 in compensation.

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