
Pet spider monkey bites Home Depot employee, investigators say

OKEECHOBEE, Fla. — A woman’s pet spider monkey bit a Home Depot employee who found it wandering in the parking lot Monday, investigators said.

Marilyn Howard, 51, was in a break area outside of the store and thought it was a joke when she heard shouts from other workers about a monkey in the parking lot, according to the Miami Herald.

Howard saw the monkey walking in the parking lot, noticed its leash and tried to grabbed ahold of it. That’s when the monkey climbed on her back and bit her twice, according to the Okeechobee Sheriff’s Office.

Howard regained control of the monkey and walked it to the front of the store. When they approached the sliding glass doors, the monkey got scared and bit her on the arm and hand and scratched her face, according to WPEC.

Howard refused medical treatment at the scene, but said she would go to the hospital for evaluation, according to the Herald.

The monkey escaped from Tina Ballard’s truck while she was in the store, according to the Herald.

Florida Fish and Wildlife Commission is investigating the incident.