
Super Pink Moon 2021: 10 stunning photos of April’s full moon

Skygazers got a special treat Monday night as the “pink moon” – April’s full moon – glowed overhead. It also was a “supermoon,” meaning it looked larger than a typical full moon, according to

Social media users are sharing their photos with the hashtags #pinkmoon and #pinkmoon2021. Here are some of our favorites:

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1. New York City

Photo by @garyhershorn, Instagram

2. Long Beach, California

Photo by @the_bluecloud, Instagram

3. Orlando, Florida

Photo by @stevenmadow, Instagram

4. Kennewick, Washington

Photo by @t.c531, Instagram

5. Santa Cruz, California

Photo by @dellybean, Instagram

6. Seattle

Photo by @kevinlisota, Instagram

7. Comox, British Columbia, Canada

Photo by @thompsonnmedia, Instagram

8. Athens, Greece

Photo by @nikos_nikoletakis, Instagram

9. Stony Brook, New York

Photo by @seanmillsphotos, Instagram

10. Baltimore

Photo by @rkat414, Instagram

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