Toyota of Clermont

Get tips on driving your new Toyota near Orlando in the rain!

Fall is here and with it comes shorter and rainier days – are you ready to handle these road conditions in your new Toyota near Orlando? If not, don’t worry. We’re here with tips on how to handle your ride when the roads are slick and the weather is wet! 

How should you handle your new Toyota when it’s raining? 

The number one rule when it starts to rain and you want to take your new Toyota near Orlando to the streets? SLOW DOWN! You heard us right. Dropping your speed will help you maintain control over your car better and make you less of a risk to the other vehicles around you! If the rain gets too bad you can even pull your new Toyota to the side of the road until it starts to let up – just be sure to put your hazards on so other drivers can see where you’re parked. 

Get tips and safely maneuver your Toyota near Orlando! 

Here are a few more safe driving tips that you should keep in mind when you take your Toyota near Orlando out in nasty weather: 
  • Use your windshield wipers! Some drivers think they're annoying, but they help give you the clearest field of visibility possible. You should also ensure that you use the headlights on your new Toyota when it's raining. They may not make it that much easier for you to see, but they allow other drivers to see you better, lessening your chances of getting into an accident. 
  • Take turns more slowly when the roads are wet! This will help to prevent you from skidding out when you're maneuvering. You should also be sure to use your blinkers to indicate when you're turning or changing lanes so other drivers can react accordingly, especially when the roads are slippery. 
  • Be sure to allow enough distance in between you and the car in front of you. Braking your new Toyota near Orlando when it's raining can be challenging and you may need more space than usual to complete the maneuver, so calculate accordingly! Allowing some distance also reduces the chance that you'll be caught in the crossfire should that driver lose control of their vehicle. 
  • Pay attention! This is definitely not the time to be fiddling with your Entune Audio System or putting on makeup. Keep both hands on the wheel and focus on the task at hand so you can react quickly should the situation become dangerous, as it so quickly can when it's raining outside! 
  • Don't drive through puddles or on flooded roads. This is asking for expensive repairs on your new Toyota near Orlando – you can do a whole lot of damage to the inner workings of your car driving through water, and you never know just how deep a puddle is going to be! 
Want more tips? Come on down to Toyota of Clermont and chat with one of our sales specialists! We’re located at 16851 State Road 50, just west of the Florida Turnpike! 

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