
New policy to give students access to medical marijuana in Volusia County schools

VOLUSIA COUNTY, Fla. — Students at Volusia County Schools will soon have access to their medical marijuana during school hours.

At their meeting on Wednesday, members of the Volusia County School Board approved the new rules regarding medical marijuana use on its campuses called “Zoe’s policy.”

The policy is named for 7-year-old Zoe Adams, who suffers from a rare incurable disease that will ultimately take her life.

The girl’s family has fought the district to allow her to use CBD oil at school, which helps relieve some of her symptoms, including seizures.

“I actually didn't think it was going to happen,” her father, J.J. Adams said. “And when they decided to put together a ‘Zoe's policy’ I was crying my eyes out. Even when we left, we were on the phone calling everybody we knew.”

READ: Parents fight for school to allow daughter with terminal disorder to take CBD oil

When it goes into effect Dec. 1, the change in policy will allow a caregiver to come to school and administer the drug.

“It's a good thing, it is not only going to help my daughter, it is going to help other kids as well,” Adams said.

Volusia County is the fifth district in the state to adopt a similar policy for its students.