
Sleeves made from old fire hoses could protect students from an active shooter

EUSTIS, Fla. — Firefighters hope durable sleeves made from the lining of old fire hoses might help save lives in the event of an emergency.

Eustis firefighters delivered the sleeves to Eustis and Eustis Heights elementary schools this week as a tool to keep doors closed during an active shooter situation.

"You slide it over the door closure tight, and that enables you to only open the door very minimally," said Deputy Chief Scott Davis, of the Eustis Fire Department. "Anything we can do to slow things down or prevent things is always a good thing."

Jimmer Roy, the school district's safety and security specialist, said area fire departments donate the material and provide training, but it's up to individual schools to decide whether to use the device.

"I think another tool in the toolbox is a good way to explain it," he said. "(It) gives us a greater opportunity to be able to protect our staff and our students."

It is unknown how many other schools have opted to use the device.

Firefighters said they would still be able to enter classrooms if needed.




